I can taste his breath on my tongue, a mix of mint gum and cigarettes. Normally, the smell of smoke makes me sick, but on him, it’s delicious.
“Yes,” I hiss out, shutting my eyes as I take in his raw words.
“One more question, Lace.”
“Mm hm.”
His fingers move to the zipper of my jeans, ripping the flap down. “Was he good to you? Did he satisfy you?” He shoves his hand under my panties, his fingers greedily moving between my saturated lips, hitting the spot he’s searching for with exact precision. “Did he know how you like to be touched? Did he know how you like to be fucked, baby?”
He runs his finger over the hard knot, flicking it just right. I throw my head back and let out a gasp.
“No,” I breathe out.
“I know how to touch you, Lace. I know how you need to be fucked.”

copyright © 2015 Lena Black
Holy fuck that is HOT! Xx